Artists at STGCC 2012 (Part 3)

This is part 3 for Artists at STGCC 2012.

They are Chris Lie (Caravan Studios), TOYSREVIL, Kelvin Chan (RocketRayGun), Nicholas Quah (Urban Six), Abs Lee, Roomism and Asuka Sakumo.

It was fun talking to these people and looking at the work they have created.

Artists at STGCC 2012 (Part 1)

These are some video introductions I shot of the artists from the Artist Alley.

I'll be putting them out in several parts over the next few days.

Here's the first part featuring Mark Torres, Wendy Chew (Mashi), Sean Lee, Sonny Liew, Shawn Siow, Boey, Artgerm and Sandy (Cookie Cutter)