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As I've told you - once upon

As I've told you - once upon a time- on another comment on a similar discussion that when you promote the one or the other platform to your 286K youtube subscribers, you are the one who is sharing his revenue with the platform and not the platform that is sharing its revenue with you.
I'm saying that because I bet that a good number of those who watched your videos on Skillshare were already subscribers on your youtube channel or followers on your social media accounts even though you didn't promote actively Skillshare. It is not that it was a secret that you offered tutorials there.
Lindsay ( the frugal crafter) said on youtube that with your following you should have offered your tutorials on your own platform. On this website for instance. I totally agree with her because it is not that the more you give the more you get in these kind of platforms. It is that the more you give the more THEY get! lol