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awesome book with totally

awesome book with totally sick artwork. i am completely floored. very disappointed with the quality of the binding. my brand new book started to fall apart right after i began looking at it. the pages were popping away from the glue on the binding. to the extent that they were hanging by the threads. i am very fond of collecting art books and tend to baby them. this is hardly how a new book should be. sent it back to amazon for a replacement, which they were very quick about sending to me. yay! when i received the replacement, same problem! the second i opened the book past 30 degrees, i could hear the glue seams popping. rrrr. at this point, im thinkin i just gotta live with it. i like the book enought to consider buying the hardcover, but im worried that it might suffer from the same binding issues. anyone out there have any similar experiences?