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How is it possible? I mean, I

How is it possible? I mean, I don't want to sound like I'm questioning you, the webmaster of this site, but ye51d's review is from may 2011.
How is a book review of more than a year old participating this month?
Did I miss some special rule? I'm sure Halcyon would like an explanation as much as I do, because this is truly unbelievable. Does that mean that if there were too few participants or you didn't like this month reviews you can go back in time and choose randomly a review that -already- participated? May I remind you? The rules doesn't say anything like "If I don't like this month's reviews I can go back in time and choose randomly another dude who already had his chance".
I'm sorry, but I'm really baffled. It's your site after all, and you can do whatever you feel like doing, but if it's going to be like this then I don't see the point. And I certainly feel like I'm wasting my time.
Have a good day.