Arters (Singapore) Art Contest (Dec 2013)

Arters (Singapore), distributor of Daniel Smith watercolours, is currently running an art contest for those in Singapore.

This competition requires you to use the Paul Wang Palette which consist of the following colours:

  • Cadmium Yellow Deep Hue
  • Transparent Pyrrol Orange
  • Permanent Alizarin Crimson
  • Moonglow
  • Cobalt Blue Violet
  • Sodalite Genuine
  • French Ultramarine
  • Cobalt Teal Blue
  • Green Apatite Genuine
  • Transparent Brown Oxide

If you don't have the colours, you can email with your postal address to receive a dot card (while stock last) with the colours for you to try. You can then use that to create your master piece.

The winner gets to win a copy of Watercolor Artist's Guide to Exceptional Color and watercolour tubes listed above. Very attractive prizes, especially the watercolours!

The contest ends on 31 Dec 2013.

To submit your artwork, go to

Meanwhile, check out the Arters facebook page also.

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