Book Review: Creative Strategies: 10 approaches to solving design problems

Creative Strategies: 10 approaches to solving design problems - 01

This is quite an unusual type of book from Design Studio Press which has always published rather visually oriented artbooks. Creative Strategies is filled with text with occasional drawings.

This book is about solving creative problems, about how you can think different and take different approaches. The book collects various strategies to help you tackle problems or design challenges. The stories and example included are based from Fridolin Beisert's years of experience as product designer and creative director.

From what I can tell from the book, Beisert is someone who respect design, his work and has a professional attitude as a designer. This is exactly the type of book for creative professionals who actually care and want to improve themselves.

Some of the strategies are not really unheard of. For example, one story talks about the use of Japanese's Kaizen attitude of "continual improvement". When used in context, it means you have to continuously iterate and improve to make your product better. Another story talks about what German efficiency really means.

While the book is written from a product designer perspective, anyone who is in the design or art industry may be able to apply the strategies deployed.

Creative Strategies: 10 approaches to solving design problems is available at Amazon (US | CA | UK | DE | FR | IT | ES | JP | CN)

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