Book Review: Visual Contrast: The Art of Display and Arrangement

I like looking at good interior design and display books. This is one of them.

It's an educational book that uses techniques from art (size, form, contrast, colours, etc) to create a theme for your display items. There are like 13 techniques showcased so you can swap to something fresh every few months.

The photos of the examples are great and make the homes look really classy, something to aspire towards. This book is quite big, and has 196 pages. There are several gatefold pages which have even bigger pictures.

Highly recommended.

If you like this book, do check out Design Bloggers at Home also.


This review copy is provided by book seller and distributor APD Singapore (website | facebook). You can get the book from them and major bookstores in Southeast Asia.

Visual Contrast: The Art of Display and Arrangement is available at Amazon (US | CA | UK | DE | FR | IT | ES | JP | CN)

Visual Contrast: The Art of Display and Arrangement

Visual Contrast: The Art of Display and Arrangement

Visual Contrast: The Art of Display and Arrangement

Visual Contrast: The Art of Display and Arrangement

Visual Contrast: The Art of Display and Arrangement

Visual Contrast: The Art of Display and Arrangement

Visual Contrast: The Art of Display and Arrangement

Visual Contrast: The Art of Display and Arrangement

Visual Contrast: The Art of Display and Arrangement

Visual Contrast: The Art of Display and Arrangement

Visual Contrast: The Art of Display and Arrangement

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