Process Junkie
Here's another website that's about as dangerous as mine, the blog of Brand Studio Press, a book publisher that specializes in art books.
Dangerous? What, are you a
Dangerous? What, are you a book spy, Parka? :P
Dangerous to the wallet.
Dangerous to the wallet.
I can confirm : this website
I can confirm : this website is dangerous for the wallet :)
But their books are very interesting for sketchbook lovers as I am.
Alberto has been going strong
Alberto has been going strong for a few years now!! I recommend the Francisco Herrera series!
Also, for variety check out
Also, for variety check out the Stuart NG website!! He is based in California.
There is no dengerous than
There is no dengerous than parka.. ask my wallet... better than that, ask my wife....
revealing all the secrets
revealing all the secrets parka!
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