Results for Art Book Review Contest #14

Results for Art Book Review Contest #14


The winner is paulacabezas who reviewed スタジオジブリ作品関連資料編 5 (Archives of studio ghibli vol.5). Congratulations!

Here are the books reviewed in April by other readers:

Here are all the books reviewed by readers so far.

Forum account registration

If you've noticed, I've turned off new user account registrations on the forum. I wonder if that's the reason for the only two reviews this month.

Anyway, you can still sign up for an account on the forum, just that it's not automatic.

To sign up for an account, join as a blog follower using the Google Friend widget by the sidebar, then post a comment with your desired username. I'll then email you the sign-in details.

Changes to the Art Book Review Contest

I'm expanding the category of books you can review that are eligible for winning the prize.

In addition to art books, you can now also review comic books, picture books, graphic design books or basically visual books of any kind. Each review will be counted as an entry to the book review contest. All past reviews, as usual, will be eligible for future contests.

So if you have a favourite comic book, you should start posting your reviews in the forum. If there are more entries each month, I might also increase the number of prizes to give out.

Reviewers on the forum are also eligible for random reviewers-only giveaways - one Rango art book was given out and in May I'll probably give out The Art of Kung Fu Panda II.

Next Contest

The deadline for the next contest, #15, is on 31 May 2011.

For more details on the art book review contest, check out "Win a prize with your art book review".


So THAT's where all of those beautiful "zodiac" images are from! The art in that "KAGAYA" book is just lovely...

ummm..parka, I dunno if you've notice yet, but the header image shows "Ayami Kojima' Santa Lilio Sangre " book cover rather than the "Starry Tales by KAGAYA" cover.

Hi Parka, I want an account to the forum.

My desired user name is Wiygon. Thanks :).

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