Book Preview: CFSL.NET: Café Salé (CFSL) Artbook 06

CFSL.NET: Café Salé (CFSL) Artbook 06

Café Salé Artbook 06 is going to be out on 10 May 2012.

Volume 6 is 304 pages thick. That's a lot of art from the French community of artists at CFSL.NET. There are background paintings, character designs, concept art and many wonderful illustrations.

Below are some preview pages, and more preview pages on CFSL Ink

CFSL Ink | Amazon (US | CA | UK | DE | FR | IT | ES)

CFSL.NET: Café Salé (CFSL) Artbook 06 - 01

CFSL.NET: Café Salé (CFSL) Artbook 06 - 02

CFSL.NET: Café Salé (CFSL) Artbook 06 - 03

CFSL.NET: Café Salé (CFSL) Artbook 06 - 04

CFSL.NET: Café Salé (CFSL) Artbook 06 - 05

CFSL.NET: Café Salé (CFSL) Artbook 06 - 06

CFSL.NET: Café Salé (CFSL) Artbook 06 - 07

CFSL.NET: Café Salé (CFSL) Artbook 06 - 08

CFSL.NET: Café Salé (CFSL) Artbook 06 - 09

CFSL.NET: Café Salé (CFSL) Artbook 06 - 10

CFSL.NET: Café Salé (CFSL) Artbook 06 - 11

CFSL.NET: Café Salé (CFSL) Artbook 06 - 12

CFSL.NET: Café Salé (CFSL) Artbook 06 - 13

CFSL.NET: Café Salé (CFSL) Artbook 06 - 14

Availability: | | | | | | | CFSL Ink


I found your blog recently and looking through all the wonderful reviews you have has been a lot of fun! The CFSL artbooks are amazing, and it looks like Vol 1-6 are available on the CFSL Ink website.

While there is some English translations for the main website, once I try to buy the book, it's pure French and I can't make heads or tails of it...

Do you know if they offer international shipping to the US? I figure I should know this before I try to purchase anything...Thanks!

In reply to by dkim1 (not verified)

I don't know if the CFSL store ships internationally. If you buy from Amazon Europe, they do ship internationally. That's how I got my books.

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