Book Review: The Art of System Shock

The Art of System Shock - 01

System Shock (2023) is the remake of the 1994 first person shoot video game that goes by the same name.. I've not played both games so I can't really talk about the visual differences between the two game. On first impression, I actually thought this game was related to Bioshock (2007) as the visual style looks and feels kinda similar to me.

The art direction of System Shock is intentionally old school perhaps to invoke the nostalgia of players who have played the original game which was released 29 years ago. Even the way the concept artworks were drawn look old school, not like the highly polished and detailed artworks from games such as Mass Effect or CyberPunk 2077.

The artworks consists designs for characters, props, weapons, enemies and interiors. There are mutated characters, some fused with weapons. Environment art are mostly of interiors of the space station. There is a lot of variety to the interior sets but after a while, they all feel similar even though they look different.

I'm not sure if the art style suits me so I've to say that this is definitely an artbook that you may want to flip through before buying.

The Art of System Shock - 02

The Art of System Shock - 03

The Art of System Shock - 04

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The Art of System Shock - 07

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The Art of System Shock - 10

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The Art of System Shock - 13

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Here are direct links to the book: | | | | | | | |

This book was borrowed from Basheer Graphic Books for review purposes. You can order the book from them. Check with Basheer on Facebook.

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