Book Review: Grafis Nusantara - Indonesian labels and stickers

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Book description:

Grafis Nusantara is a platform and collective dedicated to archiving vintage Indonesian labels and stickers from the 70s to the 90s.

The label collection is divided into textile, health, tea, cigarettes, and food, whereas the sticker collection is divided into erotic, religion, cartoon, classic text, and image text.

This archive book is presented in its simplicity and aims to show the vastness of the visuals across various parts of Indonesia. Grafis Nusantara expects to provide additional knowledge and reference material for anyone reading.

This book is the winner of an open-call design proposal competition organised by the Kamengski Foundation. Kamengski Studio initiated this incubation project by collaborating across disciplines to create, discover, and develop various possibilities to be realised together through multiple mediums.

This 80-page paperback book has a cardboard cover, includes a cardboard case that holds the book, five postcards and a folding card. Dust jacket of the book has several stickers that you can peel off. The book is printed by Gajah Hidap has no ISBN number.

The book is pretty niche since it focuses on Indonesian labels and stickers from decades ago. The labels and stickers are collected by Rakhmat Jaka Perkasa. This book serves as an archive for the old school product label and sticker designs. If you have not purchased Indonesian products before, you'll probably have not seen the labels and stickers before.

You can see more designs on their website and that will give you a good idea as to whether this book is for you.

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This book was borrowed from Basheer Graphic Books for review purposes. You can order the book from them. Check with Basheer on Facebook.

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