Book Review: Remains of the Journey by Jörg Asselborn

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Jörg Asselborn's sketchbook Remains of the Journey which was on Kickstarter last year is now available for sale.

This 128-page A4-sized hardcover artbook is published by Editions Caurette. The price is 25 Euros.

This book is filled with beautiful pen, ink and watercolour sketches drawn on location. The line art is often detailed, controlled sometimes playful and can bend the rules of perspective just to fit onto the page. The textured watercolour washes are lovely. All the sketches are reproduced huge and are delightful. These are very inspiring to look at.

The only downside is there aren't more pages.

Check out Editions Caurette's website for more artbooks.

Remains of the Journey by Jörg Asselborn is available from Caurette Editions and Amazon (US | CA | UK | DE | FR | IT | ES | AU

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The book comes with a soft slipcase.

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Visit Amazon to check out more reviews.

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Here are direct links to the book:
Caurette Editions | | | | | | | | |

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