Last Day in Incredible India (Sketching Amaravati Day 5)
Today's the last day of our sketching trip in Vijayawada and Amaravati. It has been an incredible experience. I can't imagine how this place will be like in 10-20 years' time.
Amazon Black Friday Sale 2017 starts
Don't miss out on Amazon's Black Friday Sale, and Gearbest too.
Luckily I finished my sketch before their class ended (Amaravati Sketching Trip Day 4)
Luckily I finished my sketch before their class ended.
Swarmed Everywhere We Sketch (Amaravati Sketching Trip Day 3)
We visited Nowluru on the second last day.
The village names are so difficult (Sketching Amaravati Day 2)
I wrote a few names wrongly on my sketchbook today. Argh.
They Love Taking Selfies (Sketching Amaravati Day 1)
I'm in India for a project
Here are the 2 earlier videos: