Parka's New Year resolutions for 2010

I shall keep this year's shorter and hopefully more achievable.

1. Review more Japanese art books

I hope to do that without breaking the bank, which is going to be very difficult. If you know of any good or upcoming Japanese art books, I'm always interested to know.

2. Learn Japanese

This will be incredibly helpful when I'm reading Japanese books. Now I'm more like looking. It will help with my Japanese animes as well.

3. Draw more

Same as last year.



theres actually a chinese book i've been looking for but if you're interested its "Suo Lin Nan" by Wei Liu and heres the cover of the book:
They recently was at comic fiesta but if you happen to find the book, save me a copy because i've been wanting on for over a year now and I"m tried of being ignored.

Anything by Ayumi Kasai is very very nice!

Maybe you can buy the book off the artist directly by sending a message.

Those books look interesting, and there are so many volumes!