Design Seeds: Colour Palette Breakdown of Stuff You See

Design Seeds, cool blog that has colour palette breakdown of stuff in life.


Thanks for the link. Color palettes are confusing to me. Is there a specific way you're supposed to read them? A specific website said that there was, but when it presented examples, there was inconsistency even in their own rules.

Thought you might have a recommendation for further reading or even some insights of your own.

In reply to by GrandPoobah (not verified)

I'm not sure what you mean by reading them. When you mouse rollover the square swatches, you get the colour hex codes.

Most of the colour palettes you see on the site work because they are based on certain colour theories.

Another site to check out is

I mean more specifically, what the significance of each color in the palette is; meaning the first square swatch color maps to background color, second maps to foreground, third maps to text, etc

I have used Kuler to create Triadic and analogous color arrangements, but am still baffled by arrangement of the color swatches/squares

The colours from the palette are just picked out from the photo, then arranged randomly. Not sure if there's any significance in that sense. If you want to learn more about colour usage, you might want to check out this book called Color in Art

Here are two good artists to explore because they are great at using colours
Hans Bacher
Pascal Campion

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