Book Review: The Art of Terminator Salvation

The Art of Terminator Salvation

The Art of Terminator Salvation is one of the several movie tie-in books released for Terminator Salvation. Few days ago, I've also reviewed Terminator Salvation: The Movie Companion.

The star of the movie is John Connor. The star of this art book is the Terminators. This 240-page hardcover volume features hundreds of color illustrations, storyboards, and intricately designed production art. Much of the concept paintings are done by production designer Martin Laing. There's also Jason Sweers, Victor Martinez, David Lowery who worked on the Terminator designs and storyboards. Unfortunately, a lot of credits don't come with names so we'll not know the exact artist.

This book has a ton of designs for the Terminators. We're talking about T-1, T-600, Aerostats, Hunter-Killers, Hydrobots, Transports, Harvesters, Moto-Terminators and even the T-70 which is only seen in the video game. There's several rejected iterations of the designs up to the final model used in the movie. These are in the form of 3D modeling, a few paintings and sketches. Included in a smaller amount are the set and location designs like the hideout, Skynet's factory, etc.

Overall, there's not much text except for the captions. Captions when provided nicely explains the thought process that goes behind the designs, like facing the challenge of differentiating these Terminators from Michael Bay's Transformers.

Strangely not included are the weapons used by the resistance fighters. I really want to know what kind of guns can be used to blow up endoskeletons. There's also not much character designs other John Connor in his few different costumes. Some of the production photos used are also a bit low in resolution but there are only a few production photos. If you want to see more production photos, you should grab Terminator Salvation: The Movie Companion.

This book is recommended for concept artists and fans of Terminator.


The Art of Terminator Salvation is available at Amazon (US | CA | UK | DE | FR | IT | JP | CN)

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Have a nice day.

It's a shame this book doesn't really include ALL the artwork for the film, like the so called "final moto-terminator" is NOT the final look in the movie, nor is the transport or the harvester, there seems like there was much more art done at the post houses like ILM or others that is not included. I've seen artwork from ILM of Skynet on another website that is not in the book. Still tons of cool stuff, just the the final- final artwork :-(


those where some evil terminators in there

Wow some stunning graphics there. Looks absolutely great.