2 Steven Reddy books to giveaway!

A big thanks to the Rosi Garmendia, a wonderful viewer on my Youtube channel, for providing the books for this giveaway!

We have two Steven Reddy books to give away, namely This is Then, That Was Now: A Sketchbook Memoir and Now Where Was I? A Sketchbook Memoir by Steven Reddy.

I will pick two random winners. Each will win a book. This giveaway contest is open to all.

To participate, just answer this question:

QN: What type of videos do you enjoy the most on my Youtube channel? And why?

Leave your reply and contact in the comments section. (Comments may not appear immediately because of the spam filter and moderation.)

Contest closes on 26 March 2019, Tuesday, 8pm SGT.

Good luck!

Oh yeah, also consider supporting me on Patreon to help me create more content!


I really like watching you doing reviews of art material. It gives me an idea on what to buy or expect. You are also knowledgeable of all the things that you review and I really trust your thoughts about the product.

I like your book comments, because it give us a good opportunity for seeing the whole book, not only a few pages...and really appreciate it also, because you share an open and reliable opinion about each one....not a commercial point of view.
An another, because ther's a discovery for new ones!

I generally like your books reviews but some time I also like electronics gadgets reviews.
Why I like your book reviews ? Ans is simple i can't afford all books and I'm from India where no many books available in local stores so I generally go through your review and buy from online websites.

Hi Teoh, i am always learning to draw (during all my life !) and it's always a great pleasure to watch your videos.
Your advices help me to be better. I often buy the books that you reviewed.
Sorry for my english ! Congratulations from France

I like your review about materials of art most because you give your honest review without any advertising and it helps me a lot to consider which I should buy or not

I love love your informative videos on art supplies as I am new to drawing it helps me a lot so thankyou so much

I prefer your videos about limited palette watercolor paintings
Love your videos


Although I've found your art supplies reviews very usefull (Your channel is the first place I check for info on an item I am interested in.) , I think I enjoy your drawing and painting videos most.

Hi Teoh, i’m from Mexico And i enjoy si much the speedpaitings of open places, the reviews of watercolor materiales and the teviews of some books, i like it because these videos inspire me to continue creating and exploring my habilities, i dont speak very wele the english and you channel help me to practice, thanks for share your knowledge,Teoh!

I really like your limited colour palette videos. It's so interesting to see all the colour combinations that you can get with just 3 colours. I also like your book reviews because every time I think about buying a new art book, I always know I can find more info about it on your channel.

I love when you post videos dedicated to beginners with basic explanation regarding techniques, materials and suggestion how beginners might start sketching and the reason for that is simple as I'm a beginner myself. Keep the good work! Cheers

Hi Teoh, I like all the videos but am most grateful for the book reviews. Almost all the books I buy these days are through seeing your reviews. Thank you for doing them. Most of the books are not in bookstores here, so I depend on your videos and reviews. Having said that, I did choose my current brush pens, scanner and tablet based on your product reviews and am very happy with them. But I use the book reviews more frequently.

I really enjoy your reviews of Daniel Smith paints and the drawing tutorials.

My favorite videos are both your art product reviews and watercolor demos. You inspired me to start doing some urban sketching and picking up watercolors. I would’ve never thought to get a fountain pen without your recommendation either. Also Escoda watercolor brushes are soooo much better than painting with a waterbrush, so thanks for all your hard work!

I absolutely love your product review videos as well as any of them that show you sketching and painting! They relax me and inspire me so much. You are the reason i even decided to begin my sketching/watercolor journey just a short time ago. So thank you so much!

I enjoy your tutorial videos on drawing and painting. Your book reviews are great also. I have bought 2 books because you have reviewed them on your channel.

I enjoy watching your plein air demonstrations as they give me insights on how you tackle certain subjects and commit them to paper. In this way, not only do I get ideas on how to interpret real objects to drawing but also how to problen solve and create something unique and appealing. Those videos I love the most hut I also enjoy your art materials review since I'm an art supplies hoarder :P.

I enjoy to watch your videos on cityscapes because I get to travel to your locations through your art.

Hello Teoh,

I really enjoy your comparisons videos, and also you trying out different types of paper, colours or other things. I often am not sure what type of sketch book I want to purchase next and I always trust on your reviews, because they are thorough and I always notice that you have a lot of knowledge about certain aspects (like in water colour paper making) that other people don't give in their reviews.

What I watch very often, too, are your sketching sessions on location. At first I thought, his style is way to messy, but then I noticed how well you can capture the atmosphere by choosing the right colours. I admire that and really enjoy watching your videos. :)


In reply to by Cristine Laxamana (not verified)

Thank you so much for all the work you put in your channel. I love the book reviews best and sometimes the sketch crawls. But just keep up the good work! Maybe visit other artists and show their work like in colour in your life?

I’m David Santiago from Puerto Rico, and i enjoy very much the art book reviews. Keep on the good work, I’m learning a lot from your channel.

I love to watch you draw, seeing how you start a complicated scene and move from bit to bit. Secondly, I'm a book lover so I love your book reviews. Thank you for this opportunity!

I mostly enjoy the book reviews and your use of water colours really inspires me to learn and practice more.
I also enjoy a bit of virtual tourism from the places you go to draw.
Keep up the great work :)

I love watching your art product reviews the most, especially with watercolor and fountain pen materials. Your insights about the experience using them and how much value they give have really helped me in the past when deciding what things to buy or get interested in.

I also like it whenever you give your impressions about unconventional materials like the water soluble graphites or portable easels etc. They expose me to newer products I would never have been interested in.

You're also one of my top go-to guys when it comes to tech reviews since you always come from them in the perspective of an artist. You're very thorough about what you look for in products and you list down their pros and cons very well.

Cheers and here's to more videos in the future ^^

I love the reviews. I just started learning to draw and your review on the ipad 2018 and apple pen helped me decide to finally get it. Also the Danny Gregory's books Art before breakfast. I bought it immediately after checking your review on it. :) I'd love to get one of the 2 books in this giveaway. :D. But even if it's not my luck, I'd still enjoy your videos! Keep up the good work!!

I always enjoy what I think of as your sketch walks. Where you travel somewhere and sketch buildings, markets, etc. I do like your product reviews as well, but my favorite thing is how accessible you are. I like the fact that when someone asks a question in the comments you answer usually what's in a couple of hours. I realize that you must be busy so I appreciate that you take the time to answer questions. For that I thank you sincerely.

Hi Teoh! I really enjoy your art product reviews because you give first hand knowledge about the product.
Oh, and I like your turnip paintings! :D
Thanks to your viewer for the giveaway! I have one book by this author and really like it but neither of the other two. Hooray!

I really like the content on techniques, but also the urban sketching videos.:)

I really like your water color product reviews because it's really helpful for me, a beginner, because I have not much knowledge about this domain.

I am new to watercolour and i watched most of your watercolour tutorials and that definitely provide me a new perspective on applying watercolour. I am now more knowlegable in terms of knowing different characteristic of each brand and yes, thanks for even giving viewers valuable information on how to read the watercolour pigments :)

Hi Teoh, tha k you for the giveaway. I love when you do draw with me videos since im teaching myself how to urban sketch without any background of drawing. I love your patreon for this reason a lot! Thank you

I'm here mainly for the art book reviews - you give a good thorough look through them (even if your reviews might be a bit generous in my opinion) that really helps me decide if I want to buy. If I did more physical media I'd totally vote for the reviews of art materials, though - nothing can beat actually seeing them in use.

I like your color triads videos because you show how much you can achieve with a limited palette of primary colors.

I really enjoy when you're out in the field and meeting with friends. They inspire me to do more urban sketching and wander my town. I think Singapore is beautiful, so it's almost like touring the city and then seeing your interpretation of it through your sketches. Thank you for all the content. It's been truly inspiring.

I love your videos about art supply reviews, you always provide the essential information for every product you tried and used, very detailed insight I have ever watched so far. Also your artbook flip through videos in another channel, I also enjoy it too, it had helped me decide whether or not to get the artbook for my collection.
Keep going Teoh! Looking forward to more videos from you :))

I enjoy all your videos as they are inspiring and get me thinking ... trying to get into a daily drawing practise. I most enjoy your product review videos for new supplies I will use and it helps me to spend my money wisely. I also enjoy the book review videos as I find inspiration and knowledge from the books you recommend and, again, I know where to put my money.

Hello, Teoh. The type of videos that i enjoy most from your youtube channel are your paint reviews. Because i know that i can trust your insight into the reviews you put out. You're never biased in your reviews but if there's an attribute you don't like about the paint you say it. You've become the one i come to when i want to hear an opinion about a paint/brand I've never tried before. So, thank you for putting in all the work and research into the content you put out!

I love to watch your sketch crawl/ USk meetups because we get to see you sketching outside as well as other people doing the same thing! I also really hope that seeing how everyone is so supportive will one day give me the courage to go out with my local group.

There are two types of video that I like most. The art supply video/book review videos because of the fact that I have a limited budget. I want to get the best value for my money, and I like seeing the product in use so that I can make an informed decision. I also love your process videos. I am always trying to loosen my sketches up, and I like to watch your process so that I can learn how to stop being so tight and detail oriented, and just let go a bit.

Teoh, I love your channel as a whole since there is such a variety of topics you cover. I find the videos on “how things work” like color mixing charts & fountain pen maintenance to be the ones I reference most since your explanations are always so clear.

I like mostly all your videos but the art supply videos I like probably the best because I love learning about new art supplies and. It's hard to pick which one I like the best

Sketching techniques and how to tackle problems while/when sketching. As a beginner, it is hard to identify on how to improve and work better while sketching and drawings. The videos are very insightful and helps to look at perspective and actions in different views.

I love your limited palette videos. Artists who use numerous colors somehow always make my color collection seem inadequate. But seeing you create a whole range of vibrant colors from just 3 colors gives me hope ☺️

I really like the quality of your book reviews. I haven't found a better reviewer yet.
Your reviews about art supplies are also very interesting, especially for sketching and everything about watercolour is where my interest is.
You are reliable! Thanks for all your efforts.

Hi Teoh! Your channel is the first one I check for products and books review. However, I enjoy your outdoor sketching videos most, mainly because you get to teach us painting techniques while also sharing your experience in that place. :)

Book review videos hand down are the best! You go through the books, highlight cool features or content, a lot of sites don't provide a preview of the insides of book, and most of the time you're let to guess what's inside. Seeing the content inside helps to decide if this is something I want to get.

I am partial to the videos discussing technique, how to see, how to think about sketching with just enough detail, etc.. I have found them incredibly helpful in my recent journey to get back into some form of drawing. I’ve also wanted to start doing water color painting, but found it intimidating. Your videos are giving me more basic knowledge, which is starting to make me feel more comfortable with the idea. I am currently doing mostly water color pencil, but see myself graduating to “real” water color eventually.

I love to watch art producst review videos most, because the way you present, demonstrate and explain make it easy to decided what to buy.

There's so much about your videos that I like, it's hard to pick one - or two. I love the sketchwalks because you teach urban drawing, I get to visit a new place with you, and the people you meet are so kind and willing to share and good artists.

And I like the book reviews. I haven't done much pen and ink and watercolor so it's reassuring to have your opinion. These videos must work. I've bought three of the books you reviewed!

And.i like your positive attitude and your lyrical,


Thanks for your creativity and hard work.