Happy New Year 2021

Happy New Year everyone!

2020 was no doubt a bad year but we've got to work with what we got. I hope you guys have not been badly affected by the pandemic, and I hope you are doing well. This pandemic doesn't seem like it's going to go away soon so stay safe.

2021 is going to be a tough year too. If you're in the art industry, I highly recommend you use the internet this year to build something for yourself. It can be your portfolio, your brand or a business. What you build online will come back to help you again, and again. Believe me because I've been creating and sharing my work online since 2008.

Don't know where to start? Check out the articles I've written for artists on internet marketing. You don't even have to spend money. That's the best part. You just start. Experiment. Try new things. That's the only way you will be able to find out where your potential is, where the potential is.

Being an artist in the age of the internet is one of the best careers you can ever have because the internet can magnify whatever you do. Just look at successful artists who are online.

If you're someone who likes to set new year's resolution. I've a good one for you. Create a habit to create this year.

I wish you a great 2021, or at least a better one.


Thank you for the good advice, and carry on with your great work, you are so inspiring, and I really enjoy your calm and informative way in which you describe things.