Book Review: London, You're Beautiful: An Artist's Year

London, You're Beautiful is a lovely sketchbook from David Gentleman. He was born in London in 1930. He's still drawing and that makes this sketchbook even more impressive and inspiring.

Compared to his earlier book David Gentleman's London, this is smaller but it's 400-pages thick.

The sketches are loose and free. They remind me of tourist snapshots for the very candid look they present. The sketches are of the people, places and mood of the place. There are the lively shopping areas, the touristy places, peaceful parks, boats on the river, hidden streets and sights.

The sketches are arranged by month and you get to read many of David Gentleman's observation about his hometown.

It's a lovely sketchbook. Recommended to those who love sketches and London.

London, You're Beautiful: An Artist's Year is available at Amazon (US | CA | UK | DE | FR | IT | ES | JP | CN)

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Thanks for the review, especially the video which helped me to see what's in the book. I ordered a used one online so I couldn't thumb through it in a store. It's a very thick book with lots of art, I'm sure I'm going to enjoy it.

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