Results for Art Book Review Contest #7

Results for Art Book Review Contest #7

The winner is Seth Steiner, who reviewed The Art of Metal Gear Solid 1.5. He's also one of the regular readers on the blog. Congratulations!

For those who didn't win, don't worry, all your past reviews are eligible for future contests.

Here are the books reviewed by readers since the contest #6:

The Disney sketchbooks reviewed featured really beautiful sketches. Thanks to en_b, kirikou and Agatha. Also don't miss out on a sneak preview of Scott Robertson's latest art book Drive, courtesy of cheddar's review.

Thanks to all readers who contributed.

You can check out the whole list of books reviewed by readers on the forums.

About the Art Book Review Contest

The goal of this contest is to feature more art books with the help of readers, since I can't possibly review every book there is.

So now you can help out. Just pick up any book you currently have and review it. It's that simple, and you get to win prizes too.

The deadline for the contest #8 is on 31 Oct 2010.

For more details on the contest, check out "Win a prize with your art book review".


This time some of the reviews were just amazing! books that we could never find anywhere!
Thanks Parka. Thanks everyone!

Thank you parka, Exodyssey arrived and it`s amazing. Again thank you and more reviews will come in the future. J. Scott Campbell fans should listen attentively ;)

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