Book Review: The Art & Making of Monster House

The Art of Monster House

This is the art book that started all the scrapbook-styled art books. It's easily the best and it still is. Inside the book's cardboard cover is a top quality glossy dust jacket.

This book has 160 pages and is literally filled to the brim with tons of stuff. There are "collectible" cards, storyboards, small booklets, post-it notes and amazing beat boards. The breathtaking beat boards sometimes take up to 2 pages. The photos I've taken below just didn't do enough justice, compared to holding the book and flipping through those pages yourself.

The book is divided into 2 main parts. The first part talks on the making of Monster House. It's where they come up with the conceptualizing for the movie. Topics such has character designs, lighting, music, the artists and actors to employ.

The second part is the art and story of Monster House. There are hundreds of storyboard panels fully painted. The main artists for the beat boards are Khang Le and Chris Appelhans. Included also are some 3D models and miniatures photos, showing how certain scenes are framed.

Every page entices me to flip to the next, yet the beautiful artwork just make it so difficult to. It's a thoroughly enjoyable and fun book.


The Art & Making of Monster House is available at Amazon (US | CA | UK | DE | FR | IT | ES | JP | CN)

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Thanks to the review here on Parka Blogs I ordered this book which was on sale at for $5.95. Every page is thick and in a high quality gloss. The art work is amazing and all the little extras (ex. Monster House trading cards) make this an extra special book. It seems to me that the writers and the publishers of this book put a lot of heart and thought to the production and it definitely shows. Every turn of the page is pleasure to behold.

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