Book Review: Reflections: David Mack Art Book

Reflections: David Mack Art Book

Of all the books that stood on the shelf, this one stood out because it's black. This book doesn't seem have a dust jacket although the product image on Amazon has it.

This book looks like a sketchbook because of the black cover. On the cover inscribes the Japanese kanji words "Kabuki", barely visible.

Inside's a collection of David Mack's sketches, paintings, sculptures and photos. Some of them on the Kabuki comic series, some on Daredevil, works for other comics and some sketches from life.

I like his watercolour style. It has the randomness of watercolour, yet well controlled to produce a beautiful portrait. Every piece has a textural feel to it from the watercolour splashes. Some are worked on canvas. Come to think of it, there aren't a lot of comic artists using watercolours.

David Mack seems to like collages. You'll see a few pages of collage with his drawings and photos. There's a very scrapbook feel to the book. There are photos of some of his hand made books, which he adapted into a collage style book made from his father's old hymn books. On some pages, he draws on a graph paper and sticks text balloons and straps of text using other paper.

Some of the photos included are of him drawing at events, snapshots of his paintings in progress, fans who have Kabuki tattoos.

There are lots to read, from the captions to dialogue of his random comic strips, and some fan letters.

This is a fantastic book for fans and sketchbook lovers. Every page is a pleasant surprise of style, drawings and ideas.


This book was borrowed from Basheer Graphic Books for review purposes. You can order the book from them. Check with Basheer on Facebook or visit their website.

Reflections: David Mack Art Book is available at Amazon (US | CA | UK | DE | FR | IT | JP | CN)

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This book was borrowed from Basheer Graphic Books for review purposes. You can order the book from them. Check with Basheer on Facebook or visit their website.


David Mack is marvelous as a comic book artist and writer, painter, sculptor and the most important thing about him is he is a really nice guy.

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