Book Review: Avatar: A Confidential Report on the Biological and Social History of Pandora

Avatar: A Confidential Report on the Biological and Social History of Pandora

Someone from the Resources Development Administration (RDA) labs has leaked this confidential report. Not only that, he/she has successfully sold this online (where I bought mine) and at major bookstores! That's one smart, profiteering, mole.

This is the fact book on Pandora, the kind of book issued to soldiers who are about to invade that planet for its precious resources. It has all the information on the ecosystem, resources, flora, fauna and the native population called Na'vi, complete with all their culture and behaviour. There are classified information on the weapon systems used by RDA, including the Avatar project. And everything is accompanied by CG images.

I had some hesitation before buying this survival guide and it's not because I'm afraid that James Cameron might send Avatars to get me. I like art books and books on movie production, this book is neither of those. This is really a visual companion to all the stuff that's shown in the movie. It's for the ultimate fans, those who need to know every little detail, from the ferns on the ground to the mating habits of the Na'vi.

It's an interesting book but recommended more to the hard core fans of the movie.

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Avatar: A Confidential Report on the Biological and Social History of Pandora - 08

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what about tha actual "art of" book? it´s not out yet, but i bet it has all this content and more.
could you review that one too?
(btw: thanks for all the work you put into this! i allways come here before i buy some art books.)

I just bought the book, it is interesting... And the photos you have taken are very good...The only thing missing in the book is a teaching guide to na'vi, although it does have a comprehensive na'avi dictionary. The guide however can be downloaded from a web site...

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