Beer: A Genuine Collection of Cans

Beer: A Genuine Collection of Cans

Book description, images and videos are from Chronicle Books:

Ever crack open a can of Chief Oshkosh of Wisconsin, or sample Pabst's Big Cat Malt Liquor? Remember the original St. Pauli Girl, Tennent's bevy of lager lovelies, or Olde Frothingslosh ("the pale stale ale with the foam on the bottom")? Presented alphabetically by brand, the nearly 500 cans collected here come from thirty countries and range from the iconic to the obscure to the downright bizarre. From long-forgotten brews to classic brands that have changed their look but never gone out of style, Beer offers a peek into the last century of beer culture, exploring what we drank, how we drank it, and why we picked it off the shelf. While it may not be as refreshing as a frosty cold can of Bud, cracking open this book is certain to stimulate beer lovers and design fans alike.

Dan Becker is a Midwest-born designer who studied graphic design at the University of Cincinnati. He lives and works in San Francisco.

Lance Wilson is a designer residing in the San Francisco Bay Area.

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That is totally awesome!
Wish I too had vintage collection of those.

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