Book Review: 田島光二作品集 & ZBrushテクニック (KOUJI TAJIMA ARTWORKS & ZBrush Technique)

Amazing collection of ZBrush art

This is the art and technique book of Kouji Tajima (田島光二), Japanese concept artist, creature designer, digital sculptor all in one.

His forte is in creature design and this book showcases the many beasts, monsters, creatures, a few characters and even some mechas that he has designed. There's also some environment design. Overall, it's a mixture of 2D concept art and 3D Zbrush sculptures.

The level of detail in his work is astonishing. Just look at the cover art and you get the idea. All the digital sculptures in the book are at that level.

This is a 160-page paperback.

A third of the pages are devoted to the art gallery, so it can be a bit brief but still awesome.

The rest of the book features two tutorials, one shows you how to Zbrush sculpt that bony demon on the cover, and the other is a Beauty and the Beast concept sculpt overlay with background art behind.

The tutorials are written in Japanese though. There are step-by-step all the way so you might still be able to get some insight from looking at the process. I counted over 100 screenshots for the bony demon alone, and the screenshots of the Zbrush software in English.

I'm not sure how to recommend this book. It would depend on how much you can get out of the tutorial sections.

田島光二作品集 & ZBrushテクニック (KOUJI TAJIMA ARTWORKS & ZBrush Technique) is available at | |

田島光二作品集 jpg ZBrushテクニック (KOUJI TAJIMA ARTWORKS jpg ZBrush Technique)

田島光二作品集 jpg ZBrushテクニック (KOUJI TAJIMA ARTWORKS jpg ZBrush Technique)

田島光二作品集 jpg ZBrushテクニック (KOUJI TAJIMA ARTWORKS jpg ZBrush Technique)

田島光二作品集 jpg ZBrushテクニック (KOUJI TAJIMA ARTWORKS jpg ZBrush Technique)

田島光二作品集 jpg ZBrushテクニック (KOUJI TAJIMA ARTWORKS jpg ZBrush Technique)

田島光二作品集 jpg ZBrushテクニック (KOUJI TAJIMA ARTWORKS jpg ZBrush Technique)

田島光二作品集 jpg ZBrushテクニック (KOUJI TAJIMA ARTWORKS jpg ZBrush Technique)

田島光二作品集 jpg ZBrushテクニック (KOUJI TAJIMA ARTWORKS jpg ZBrush Technique)

田島光二作品集 jpg ZBrushテクニック (KOUJI TAJIMA ARTWORKS jpg ZBrush Technique)

田島光二作品集 jpg ZBrushテクニック (KOUJI TAJIMA ARTWORKS jpg ZBrush Technique)

田島光二作品集 jpg ZBrushテクニック (KOUJI TAJIMA ARTWORKS jpg ZBrush Technique)

田島光二作品集 jpg ZBrushテクニック (KOUJI TAJIMA ARTWORKS jpg ZBrush Technique)

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