Book Review: The Art Model's Handbook

The Art Model's Handbook

Here's a book on fine art modeling written by Andrew Cahner, who's an art model himself. This is a handbook aimed at helping other art models who might not have proper training. He writes not just from the perspective of a model but also that of an artist.

The book is loaded of tips from the author's own experience. You'll read about topics like resuming poses, keeping awake, choosing poses, finding jobs, staying safe, networking in the industry, etc. There are even details like how to file taxes — gasp! — as a model —, or (elastic band) clothing to avoid before a photo shoot. It's all practical tips everyone can relate to.

Andrew Cahner has also included interviews with a model booker, a male model, a female model and a photographer. They give really great insights into the dos and don'ts of modeling, tips on professionalism and other issues on the job. Different perspectives sure help give a clearer view on what it's like to be a model.

There are a lot of resources provided throughout the book. It includes places and websites where you can find more information. The appendixes also come with very handy forms like model release forms, protocol and important guidelines.

This book is like an informative and interesting documentary. I learned a lot even though I'm not a model and not going into modeling. It's recommended to models, would-be models and people who work with models.

You can find more information about the book at as well as download a some sample chapters. The author Andrew Cahner is on Twitter as well.

Special thanks to Andrew Cahner for providing the book for this short review.

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Having been both a model and a figurative artist for many years, my reaction to this book was the exact opposite: this is no more than a basic overview of a topic that could have benefited from thorough research and professional writing. The personal observations of a single individual and a few contacts would make for a good hand-out at a college; it does not meet the standards for a book.

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