Book Review: EXOTIQUE 7: The World's Most Beautiful CG Characters

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EXOTIQUE 7 is finally here, and the cover art is different from the one shown on Amazon.

Volume 7 continues the hot streak of amazing art with another 208 pages from over 200 over artists. There are 358 illustrations and some are printed large across two pages. The quality is very high, as usual, covering lots of different styles. Only a few are 3D renders.

There's one thing I want to say which is the overwhelmingly presence of female characters. I wish there were more male character designs.

The book is available in two editions, the standard soft cover and the limited Special Edition which you can only get from Ballistic Publishing's website. You can check out more page previews on their website as well.

EXOTIQUE 7: The World's Most Beautiful CG Characters is available at Ballistic Publishing and Amazon (US | CA | UK | DE | FR | IT | ES | JP | CN)

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Here are direct links to the book:
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I want to purchase it. But amazon says its not out yet...?

Love the Exotique and the Expose series but I've had a problem with the more recent books' printing consistency/quality control. My Exotique 7 and Expose 9 seem to have a dullness or a darkness to them and lack contrast or vibrancy. I also had this problem with Exotique 6 but I replaced it with a copy from a different source and it didn't have the same problem. I expect it was probably from a different printing/batch.

I've tried contacting Ballistic about this but haven't heard anything back from them since their previous on-the-ball CS person tragically passed last July. In the future I'll probably have to take a pass on their books unless they can get their consistency sorted. Because the dull print quality really does ruin certain printings of their books, and you never know what you're going to get.

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