Book Review: Foundation 1: FZD Art of Book

Foundation 1: FZD Art of Book - 01

Foundation 1 is first artbook of FZD School of Design, the design school founded by Feng Zhu.

It's an insanely awesome collection of concept art from Feng Zhu, the art directors, their junior designers and students. It's 204 pages, hardcover. There's only a 1 page profile, the rest is art.

First half the book is all Feng Zhu's art, some of which you might have seen on his blog or FZD Youtube channel. Much of them are environment paintings and they have a very post-apocalyptic-Matrix-Terminator feel to it. There are also the fantasy type environments with mountains and beautiful townscapes. There are some creature designs, character designs and industrial sketches of vehicles.

The second half features the art of 34 junior designs and students. The standard is as high. The work here is more varied and you can see them drawing to certain themes and style guides. Again, the concept art are for environments, characters, creatures, vehicles and crafts. The details are amazing.

I'm impressed by the quality of work. It's an incredible portfolio. The book says the school has placed more than 80% of their graduates into film and game studios.

The book is priced at SGD$69.55, not including shipping.

You can purchase the book from FZD's website, and also find out the shipping charges to other countries. International shipping charges from Singapore is expensive, so brace yourself.

The book is only sold at FZD School of Design. If you want to walk in, the address is 83 Amoy Street, Singapore 069902 and their reception is on level 4.

If you want the book to be stock at other bookstores or countries, I think it's best to email them to let them know. Or ask Basheer Graphic Books to stock them, and hope that shipping will be somehow cheaper.

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You can purchase the book from FZD's website.


omg 50-70 dolars deliver to chile, that's a lot but it's worth it... i think

Well if you think of it SGD$69.55 = USD$56,84 at the moment. So with the cheapest delivery choice it's not that scary.

Awesome artbook.
Too bad shipping to Europe makes it so ridiculously expensive :(

Just paid for my order, I live in New England and the exchange rate favors US so my total with shipping was around 115, not 135. The autograph is free of charge.

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