Book Review: Guidebook to Nanyang Diplomacy

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Here's another comic book from COSH Studios, a series of comic books that mixes stories with Singapore history and culture. The earlier book I featured was Final Resting Place by James Tan.

Guidebook to Nanyang Diplomacy is written by Lim Cheng Tju and drawn by Benjamin Chee.

The story is set in February 1915 during the time of the Sepoy Mutiny. I'm not sure how accurate the history part is but it's quite an exciting read. This comic book is drawn like some kung fu or martial arts genre book with lots of fighting and action. The main characters in the fight looks like they have superhuman strength.

This is one part of Singapore's history that I don't know anything about so after reading this comic book, I guess I learned something new. I'm pretty sure the characters with Herculean strength and kung fu moves are fake though. LOL.

This book is sold at Kinokuniya Singapore and Books Actually.

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