Book Review: Intersections

Intersections by Sean Phillips and Duncan Fegredo

Intersections is an artistic sparing between two artists, Sean Phillips and Duncan Fegredo. It's like a word association game except they are using pictures this time. Personally, I find it very difficult to see the link between the sketches on each page.

The art in the book is done in traditional medium, different style and variety.

Here's the product description from Amazon:

Conceived during a repast of fine wine and nouvelle cuisine, Intersections is the meeting of two artistic minds. Sean Phillips (Marvel Zombies, Criminal) and Duncan Fegredo (Hellboy, Enigma) play artistic ping pong with a sketchbook - a drawn and painted conversation where punctuation is provided by the postal service. Can you read between the paintings? Intersections: the sequential conclusion to an excess of curry and beer.

Intersections is available at Amazon (US | CA | UK | DE | FR | IT | ES | JP | CN)

Intersections - 01

Intersections - 02

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Intersections - 09

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