Book Review: Making and Drawing by Kyra Cane

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Making and Drawing by Kyra Cane is an interesting book that looks at the role of drawing as used by the various artists.

The artists featured create mostly installation art, things like ceramics, paper art, metal sculptures, outdoor displays, fashion, textile and other decorative items. The drawings that you'll see are some pages from their sketchbooks. And through those drawings and the interviews and profiles of the artists, you'll learn how drawing plays a part to help create their art.

Some would draw for reference, others use drawing as a form of planning and design, to come up with ideas, explore, while other use drawing to decorate surfaces, or as a process to think deeply. If this feels abstract, it is in some ways. It's also enlightening and inspiring to see what these artists can create, and also to learn about their process. The photos and examples showcased are beautiful.

If you're looking for hand drawn art, then you can skip this book. However, this book is quite unlike other artbooks I know of. It reminds me of Sketch Book for the Artist by Sarah Simblet not because of the content it features, but for the inspiration it provides.

If you're interested in the different art forms, making of art objects, it's a good book to get.

Making and Drawing is available at Amazon (US | CA | UK | DE | FR | IT | ES | JP | CN)

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