Book Review: Not Waving But Drawing by John Cuneo (NSFW)

Not Waving But Drawing by John Cuneo - 01

No waving but drawing is the second book by the award-winning illustrator, John Cuneo. While the first book is a small hardcover format, this second book is a much bigger and does more justice to his fantastic drawings. I prefer this book as it allows you to enjoy the marvelous line work in details. All the little scribbles and marks that John Cuneo deployed with the humble pen is amazing.

This latest collection of sketches ranges from strange anthropomorphic animals, hilariously perverse copulating couples to political satire. Quite a few of the drawings in this collection were actually drawn in the bar -- on the back of the menu. These were then colored back home.

Fans of him will be delighted at this new collection of sketches and if you like pen drawings -- John Cueno’s latest book will be a joy to study. As the artist Paul Klee said, "Drawing is taking a line for a walk” and John Cueno definitely loves walking!

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