Book Review: Omar Dogan's Girl Seven

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Girl Seven is a beautiful book from Omar Dogan, one of the founding members of Udon.

It's a collection of good-girl pin-up art, or playful girls depending on how you see it. There are seven girls designed by Omar Dogan featured in various themes that have them in different costumes, like uniforms, furry outfits, sports wear, etc.

The illustrations are gorgeous. The are printed large to the edge of the page. It's one girl per page, but towards the back are illustrations of all the girls together. I like the costume designs especially the more elaborate ones from the Gothic theme.

Every coloured illustration comes with the pencil work and commentary. You can see the dramatic difference after colours are added. Most artwork use a smoother colouring style that's unlike the anime cel-shading style you see in the cover art, although there are a few at the back.

Great book recommended to fans of Omar Dogan and pin-up art.

You can check out more of his work at and

Omar Dogan's Girl Seven is available at Amazon (US | CA | UK | DE | FR | IT | ES | JP | CN)

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It's such a gorgeous book. I had it on preorder from the second I knew it was coming out, and didn't regret it at all. Dogan is Udon's total crown jewel, his style's that gorgeous. Definitely recommended to everyone who likes pinup style images, and these ones have some real character.

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