Book Review: Quentin Blake Beyond the Page

Quentin Blake Beyond the Page - 15

Before this book, there was another one called Words and Pictures which collected Quentin Blake's illustrations from the previous fifty years. That book was published in 2001.

This new book Beyond the Page looks at his work from year 2000 onwards. As the title subtly suggests, it features work that does not just appear in on the page.

While Quentin Blake continues to illustrate books, he also has many projects and many bring his work to places such as galleries, museums, hospitals and other public spaces. That's the focus of this book. He writes in first account of the stories behind these projects.

It's interesting to read and see the other side of him. Many of the illustrations included have his distinctive style, but there are also many drawings that you won't see, especially in children books. There are sketches, work he did for reading campaigns, and even nude drawings, for hospitals.

Since the book focuses on work from 2000 onwards, there's mention of his earlier works only when he has to provide new art for updated editions of books, such as those for Roald Dahl.

So if you want to find out what Quentin Blake has been up to the last ten years, get this book.

Beyond the Page is available at Amazon (US | CA | UK | DE | FR | IT | ES | JP | CN)

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