Book Review: Robot Envy

Robot Envy - 01

Dave Pasciuto just mailed me his Robot Envy sketchbook that's the result of a successful Kickstarter campaign.

It's actually a booklet size 32-page sketchbook that fits into one hand. It comes with a shiny ziplock type packaging. There are some cards and a sticker that came together with it.

It features a cool selection of robots. The designs look great and are stylized rather than too high tech or military. Some with rather humorous personalities. There are lots of pleasing curves.

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Robot Envy - 03

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Robot Envy - 10

It's a nice sketchbook for robot fans but it ends a bit too quickly. Dave Pasciuto will be working on another book with other artists. Hopefully, we can see more art then.

You can buy Robot Envy at and


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