Book Review: Tales From Outer Suburbia

Book Review: Tales From Outer Suburbia

I bought this book thinking it was an art book, but it's not. Tales From Outer Suburbia is more of an illustrated story book containing 15 short fantasy stories. And it's a children's book, but more for those above 12 year old because some of the stories are, well, very surreal. It's the surrealism of the illustrations that really caught my attention.

Shaun Tan has a knack of storytelling mixing illustrations and words. He would sometimes end a story arc with a two page illustration to bring the story in full effect. For example, in the story called Grandpa's Story, there will be pages of single panels to show his Scavenger Hunt journey before he can marry. In another story Distant Rain, it was told in the form of a newspaper print.

The stories are really surreal and imaginative. Two things come to my mind when reading are Roald Dahl and Big Fish the movie. All great works of surrealism. Anyone who likes the two should like this book.

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I'm an aspiring children's book writer/artist myself, this books looks very inspirational! thanks

Tales from Outer Suburbia is a really intresting book. Shaun Tan has obviously put a lot of thought and effort. It may looksimple at first but if you take a closer look there's a lot of detail and hidden pictures.

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