Book Review: Where They Create

Where They Create - 01

I love looking at workspace of other artists, designers and creators. There's something intimate about people and their workspace.

Where They Create is a large 288-page hardcover book. On the cover is pasted a photo of a workspace, and each book would feature a different photo. The copy I have has a cat sleeping on a desk.

This is a wonderful book that invites us to these places, the offices, studios or even workshops. The idea of this book actually came from a blog by the same name. In this book, 32 studios are selected to be featured.

The pages are filled with beautiful photos taken by Paul Barbera. The photos together with the interviews are nicely laid out in a way to reflect the random nature of the workspace featured.

Each photo reveals the nature of the work that's being done, and the people working there. You can see what strange items that sit on shelves or pasted to walls, the furniture in the rooms, the kitchen, the people and the atmosphere of the workspace. Looking at them reminds me of those beautifully composed Ikea showroom photos, except here they are filled with life.

This is a captivating book. There's a sense of fascination when looking at the photos. Highly recommended.

You can check out more photos at


This book was borrowed from Basheer Graphic Books for review purposes. You can order the book from them. Check with Basheer on Facebook or visit their website.

Where They Create is available at Amazon (US | CA | UK | DE | FR | IT | ES | JP | CN)

Where They Create - 02

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Where They Create - 07

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Where They Create - 11

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This book was borrowed from Basheer Graphic Books for review purposes. You can order the book from them. Check with Basheer on Facebook or visit their website.


Looks like a cool concept for a book, but that cover is brutal. Looks like a 1970s reference book.

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