Daily Sketching for Creative Inspiration by Sorie Kim (online art course)

Sorie Kim is an illustrator and teacher based in Los Angeles, USA. She's into creative illustration and draws inspiration from the natural work. Subjects she likes to draw are animals, plants and creatures, many of which you'll see in this course.

Her art and sketches are gorgeous. It's the sort of art you see in artbooks for sci-fi or fantasy video games.

Daily Sketching for Creative Inspiration is an online art course on creative illustration and on creating a sketching habit.

The focus here is on creative illustration, drawing inspiration from the real world, from nature, practice, then coming up with your own inspired designs.

Tools you'll need are a sketchbook, fineliners, brush pens, pencils, an eraser and watercolors, maybe dip pens and ink.

She talks about how she got into creative illustration after being "lost" and not knowing where to take her career. So she discovered creative illustration by chance through an art course she attended and fell in love. So she's been in the art industry so far teaching concept designs.

Sorie Kim is an excellent teacher. She's very analytical and the explanations are clear. The course will help you understand the concepts and fundamentals behind the techniques. This course is not just about copying what you see. You'll actually have to think if you want to come up with your own concepts and designs later on. There are plenty of tips on drawing and techniques.

The tutorials are guided step by step with close ups. If you have not used a brush pen before, chances are you may be tempted to get one just from seeing how effortlessly it was for Sorie to draw with one. She's so graceful with the brush pen and the lines are so varied. Her sketches are so organic and even her imagined creatures are so believable.

This is a wonderful course I can recommend easily to those who want to improve their drawing techniques and develop their creativity. You'll learn a lot in this 2hr 25min course.

5 out of 5 stars

Oh, check out my own drawing courses too!

Check out the course and the 290+ reviews on Domestika.

Price of this course is usually around US $19, but the price will vary depending on whether there are any promotion.

Disclosure: This course was provided free to me for this review. When you buy any course through the Domestika affiliate links, I earn some commission at not extra cost to you

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