Giveaway: Xencelabs Tablet Small
Giveaway is closed: Winner is James Tan
Big thanks to Xencelabs for sponsoring this giveaway contest!
Xencelabs is a company that makes high quality drawing tablets and tools for professional artist. Their first product was the Xencelabs Tablet Medium (review), a 10.33 x 5.8 inch wireless graphics tablet that comes with two pens of different sizes. I've tested that tablet and the drawing performance is fantastic.
Recently, Xencelabs has added a new smaller size to their product line, the Xencelabs Pen Tablet Small.
This giveaway is only open to those based in Singapore, and one winner will be selected to win the Xencelabs Pen Tablet Small.
1. You must have commented on one of my Youtube videos in the past
If you post a comment now, you will be eligible for the next contest, not this one.
2. Contact me with the following information (click here)
Subject header: Xencelabs Pen Tablet Small GIVEAWAY
Answer the question: What's the drawing area (or active area) of Xencelabs Pen Tablet Small?
And leave your Youtube name
4. This contest is only open to those in Singapore
5. Contest will end on 24 September 2021, or earlier if I have enough participants.
PS: In case you're wondering why this contest is only open to those in Singapore. It's because the company mailed me the tablet, and the shipping charges to mail out of Singapore is crazy expensive.
Giveaway has closed. Winner
Giveaway has closed. Winner is James Tan
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