Results for Drawing Contest #1: Animals in Competitive Sports

Thanks for participating in the first ever drawing contest here on Parka Blogs. The response was better than I expected. There was a total of 46 participants and 57 entries. And thanks for all the messages sent.

In case you missed the contest (details), the theme is about animal(s) in a competitive sport environment.

The entries were fun and varied in style. Some were pretty thoughtful and detailed, created with lots of effort. Unfortunately, I can only choose one winner and the winner is...


Although I didn't state any criteria, this piece from Powree seems to have all the right elements with regards to the theme. I like the moment captured showing clearly the action, the expression on the puffin who's almost caught and the bulls colliding painfully. They even have uniforms and gear. Nice.

Congrats to Powree!


Update: Voting has ended (on 10 May 2010, midnight GMT)

The second set of prize is for the winner with the most number of votes, or the most popular piece. In the case that both the winners are the same, I'll give the Set B prize to the second most popular (voted) illustration.

Everyone's allowed to vote. The voting box is just right below the last entry. You've got to sign in to vote and only 1 vote is counted.

Surprise, surprise. I've an additional prize for voters as well, it's a copy of Jose Lopez's 4:00 AM. Good luck!

Anyway, the reason why I had voting as well is because what I like may not be what the majority like.

Voting has ended (on 10 May 2010, midnight GMT)

The winner, by a very close margin of 1 vote, is ZinPH! Congrats!

And the winning voter is Alfonso Pardo Martinez!

The entries

These are the rest of the entries, in order of submission. Note the artist's name for your vote.

Larger versions of the images are available just by clicking on the images.

Drawing Contest #1 Entry 01 - Maarten Woudenberg
Maarten Woudenberg

Drawing Contest #1 Entry 02 - Agathum
Agathum (entry 1)

Drawing Contest #1 Entry 03 - Agathum
Agathum (entry 2)

Drawing Contest #1 Entry 04 - Carlota Borba
Carlota Borba

Drawing Contest #1 Entry 05 - Tiffany Varga
Tiffany Varga

Drawing Contest #1 Entry 06 - Sara Darroch
Sara Darroch

Drawing Contest #1 Entry 07 - Ramiel

Drawing Contest #1 Entry 08 - Jenny Peers
Jenny Peers

Drawing Contest #1 Entry 09 - Jeffrey Lai
Jeffrey Lai

Drawing Contest #1 Entry 10 - Jason Lek
Jason Lek (entry 1)

Drawing Contest #1 Entry 11 - Jason Lek
Jason Lek (entry 2)

Drawing Contest #1 Entry 12 - Marvin Traber
Marvin Traber

Drawing Contest #1 Entry 13 - Scott Ng
SNG (entry 1)

Drawing Contest #1 Entry 14 - Charles Santoso
Charles Santoso

Drawing Contest #1 Entry 15 - Althul
Althul (entry 1)

Drawing Contest #1 Entry 16 - Althul
Althul (entry 2)

Drawing Contest #1 Entry 17 - Althul
Althul (entry 3)

Drawing Contest #1 Entry 18 - Rachel Shumel
Rachel Shumel

Drawing Contest #1 Entry 19 - Bill Carmen
Bill Carmen

Drawing Contest #1 Entry 20 - Mor Borensztajn
Mor Borensztajn

Drawing Contest #1 Entry 21 - Danny Ogwin
Danny Ogwin

Drawing Contest #1 Entry 22 - Carlota Isabel Borba
Carlota Isabel Borba

Drawing Contest #1 Entry 23 - Nori Tominaga
Nori Tominaga

Drawing Contest #1 Entry 24 - ZinPH

Drawing Contest #1 Entry 25 - LAWay

Drawing Contest #1 Entry 26 - Emre Ozdamariar
Emre Ozdamariar

Drawing Contest #1 Entry 27 - Markel Urrutia Perez
Markel Urrutia Perez

Drawing Contest #1 Entry 28 - Robert Nitiredjo
Robert Nitiredjo

Drawing Contest #1 Entry 29 - Ian Mason
Ian Mason

Drawing Contest #1 Entry 30 - Xabier Urrutia
Xabier Urrutia

Drawing Contest #1 Entry 31 - Taihei Sawamoto
Taihei Sawamoto

Drawing Contest #1 Entry 32 - Richard Powell
Richard Powell

Drawing Contest #1 Entry 33 - Sibuyas
Sibuyas (entry 1)

Drawing Contest #1 Entry 34 - Sibuyas
Sibuyas (entry 2)

Drawing Contest #1 Entry 35 - Lauren
Lauren (entry 1)

Drawing Contest #1 Entry 36 - Lauren
Lauren (entry 2)

Drawing Contest #1 Entry 37 - Melissa Wolfert
Melissa Wolfert

Drawing Contest #1 Entry 38 - Alfonso Pardo Martinez
Alfonso Pardo Martinez

Drawing Contest #1 Entry 39 - Jessica Stadler
Jessica Stadler

Drawing Contest #1 Entry 40 - Scott Ng
SNG (entry 2)

Drawing Contest #1 Entry 41 - Ichiro Oishi
Ichiro Oishi

Drawing Contest #1 Entry 42 - Powree

Drawing Contest #1 Entry 43 - René
René (entry 1)

Drawing Contest #1 Entry 44 - René
René (entry 2)

Drawing Contest #1 Entry 45 - René
René (entry 3)

Drawing Contest #1 Entry 46 - Loke Wei
Loke Wei

Drawing Contest #1 Entry 47 - Alan Choong
Alan Choong

Drawing Contest #1 Entry 48 - Rik Vasquez
Rik Vasquez

Drawing Contest #1 Entry 49 - Softshack

Drawing Contest #1 Entry 50 - Softshack

Drawing Contest #1 Entry 51 - Softshack

Drawing Contest #1 Entry 52 - Mo Stübig
Mo Stübig

Drawing Contest #1 Entry 53 - Ben Hartnett
Ben Hartnett

Drawing Contest #1 Entry 54 - Joshua Hernandez
Joshua Hernandez

Drawing Contest #1 Entry 55 - Gyula Németh
Gyula Németh

Drawing Contest #1 Entry 56 - Char Reed
Char Reed

Drawing Contest #1 Entry 57 - Emuzin2


Remember to vote for your favourite piece. The voting box is above.

I shall also vote too, for my second favourite piece.

Great work everyone can't wait for another contest

Great choice, Parka. and congratz to the winner!
I couldn't get in the contest because of time issues, but i already cast my vote. All of the entries are amazing (:

Nice work everyone! It was a fun contest and I hope there will be many to come.

Good job everyone! I hope to have an entry in the next contest.

Wow, the standards were so high! I was expecting just quick sketches, but some people went all out, props to them. Game face on next time though. Well done everyone, so many amazing pieces, very hard to pick a favourite.

the best!!!!!

these are all amazing! i'm gonna have to go with sng2

Congrats to the Powree! Definitely captured the competitive nature of the sport.

My favorites are: ZinPH, Nori Tominaga, and Tiffany Varga. Amazing artists and amazing pieces!

Can't wait for the next contest! I was unable to participate because of school and work.

Grrreat drawings!!!
My favorite is Mor Borenstajn.

Wow the running bison is a powerfull drawing!! not much colour, but I love the technique!!
my other favourite is Ben Hartnett´s sloth!! hilarious!!

Alright, the voting has ended with 168 votes.

Here are the results. Only those with votes are counted.

Maarten Woudenberg - 1
Agathum (entry 1) - 1
Agathum (entry 2) - 3
Tiffany Varga - 9
Sara Darroch - 1
Jenny Peers - 1
Charles Santoso - 4
Althul (entry 1) - 2
Bill Carmen - 3
Mor Borensztajn - 24
Danny Ogwin - 1
Nori Tominaga - 2
ZinPH - 38
Emre Ozdamariar - 2
Markel Urrutia Perez - 37
Robert Nitiredjo - 5
Taihei Sawamoto - 1
Sibuyas (entry 1) - 1
Melissa Wolfert - 1
Alfonso Pardo Martinez - 4
SNG (entry 2) - 17
Ichiro Oishi - 1
Powree - 1
Ben Hartnett - 8

The winner, by a very close margin of 1 vote, is ZinPH! Congrats!

And the winning voter is Alfonso Pardo Martinez!

next time i would advise against voting competitions, when it comes to real prizes
lot's of time they are really popularity contests, who can ask enough friends who will get their asses in front of a computer and enter this site, signup and vote.
on one hand at least a few of them are bound to come back to the site, so as a way of advertising, it has it benefits, but i hardly believe it is a fair judging method.
my advice to you, that in future competition you either choose all the winners your self, or point impartial judges from people you know you can trust., and give a first and second prizes.

that what i think
but it was a splendid competition
with allot of splendid drawings
great job every one

First of all, beautiful and creative artworks. I love them all! :D

Congratulations to Powree and ZinPh! (As well as Alfonso for the voter prize!)

I don't want to get involved in this, but I will have to agree with GAD's comment above. One person can try and vote for his/her own picture through different accounts. Anything is possible. So to make this totally fair, maybe you can try to expand the prize into winner prize, runner prize, and such. That'll be a great and challenging idea! Hope it's satisfactory.

I can't wait for the next competition!

I have to disagree with GAD.

Let's face it. Voting is predominantly biased today. The same can be said for many situations. In American Idol, the person who wins may not necessarily be the best. He may have got through rounds with the help of his large circle of friends who have money and religiously vote. Or he may also get through based on his looks.

Even in other voting systems ranging for competitions to politics, people get through with a number of other factors apart from the main voting point. Factors like charisma, looks, dressing, style and fan base (consisting of friends and strangers) all help to push a person into it. To give an example, some people may not have voted for Obama in the last American election race even though they love his policy reforms, but not the colour of his skin.

Do you think product companies win all their customers by their design alone? They design advertisements promising you a lifestyle, a luxury and many other intangible things attached to a product.

The voting system in this blog is such that you have to register before voting. If your friend is willing to go all the way to set up an account to vote for you, why not? And besides, if your friend is smart enough he may enter and decide to vote objectively when he realises he likes the other art better as compared to yours.

The whole voting system is no longer a completely objective process. As admirable as your honesty is, such a value would reflect well on yourself but may be overtaken in the a superficial world.

I do not think anyone who voted for themselves or got their friends to vote are wrong. They want to win this badly, and so they worked for it. They garnered their friends to vote for them, and if you want to win too, then you have to show it and work for it. You can't just sit on your butt and hope that people come to you. You have to go out there and win them over.