Results for Drawing Contest #5: Super Lame Heroes

Results for Drawing Contest #5: Super Lame Heroes

I received 13 entries for Drawing Contest #5. Great job on creating all these humorous artwork!


Drawing Contest #5 Entry 05 - Fabio Lai
Fabio Lai
This piece stands out for its beautiful art. The idea is pretty amusing as well. Fabio Lai has a great art blog that's worth checking out as well:

For the other two winners... Well, I'll let you readers vote. Just post in the comments section below your two favourite pieces other than Fabio's. The two contestants with the most votes will be the other winners. I'll also pick a random voter to win a copy of The Art of Peregrin Studios.

All three winning participants will get $40 worth of art books - I'll contact you guys/gals. And the random lucky voting reader will get The Art of Peregrin Studios.


Here are the rest of the entries. Images link to larger images, and the names link to their personal websites when available.

Drawing Contest #5 Entry 01 - Rich
StandStill-Man - After being bitten by a radioactive sloth which altered his DNA, whenever faced with a dangerous situation 'StandStill-Man' can stand motionless in place - this power is also useful in theme park lines and at the start line for running races.

Drawing Contest #5 Entry 02 - Denis Cristo
Denis Cristo

Drawing Contest #5 Entry 03 - Giorgio Viola
Giorgio Viola

Drawing Contest #5 Entry 04 - Ryan Exner
Ryan Exner

Drawing Contest #5 Entry 05 - Fabio Lai
Fabio Lai

Drawing Contest #5 Entry 06 - Mark Gotz
Mark Gotz

Drawing Contest #5 Entry 07 - Ivica Stevanovic
Ivica Stevanovic

Drawing Contest #5 Entry 08 - Raki
Superhero Name: The Armpit
Ability: renders the air foul by emanating gases from his armpits, succumbed everybody to his power including himself.

Drawing Contest #5 Entry 09 - Miguel Delicado
Miguel Delicado

Drawing Contest #5 Entry 10 - Melody Dix
Melody Dix
Super Lame Power: The ability to grow hair any imaginable length... but only from the eyebrows.

Drawing Contest #5 Entry 11 - Andy R
Andy R.
CAPTAIN CHUCKLES. He has the ability to control balloons, and bring them to life.

Drawing Contest #5 Entry 12 - Joshua H
Joshua H.

Drawing Contest #5 Entry 13 - Matt Lichtenwalner
Matt Lichtenwalner
"This bush-league superhero is based out of Milwuakee, and is a staunch city-wide defender of carbonated beverages both alcoholic and civilian...

The Messiah of Milwuakee has partial control over carbon dioxide molecules—specifically, the ability to control carbonation. He can bring flat drinks back to effervescent life...

Carbonation also “speaks” to the Carbonator. He understands what’s happened to drinks, and can determine who is responsible."


Whoops, should have put a description on the picture:

My lame super power was the ability to grow hair to unimaginable lengths...

....but only from the eyebrows.

Ironically, mine's above the barber!

But I think I'll give my vote to almost invisible girl, looks painful!

My first pick would be "The Barber" and the second pick is "Half Invisible Man".:)

First: Great concepts all! This was a lot of fun and I love the direction all of you took on the subject. Nicely done!

Second: If you're curious about my contribution:
"This bush-league superhero is based out of Milwuakee, and is a staunch city-wide defender of carbonated beverages both alcoholic and civilian...

The Messiah of Milwuakee has partial control over carbon dioxide molecules—specifically, the ability to control carbonation. He can bring flat drinks back to effervescent life...

Carbonation also “speaks” to the Carbonator. He understands what’s happened to drinks, and can determine who is responsible."

More of the description here.

I like Geriatrix and the Almost Invisible Girl :)

1. Geriatrix
Truly useless, I can not imagine, what he can do by absorbing the illness! Maybe he is more compassionate with suffering people? Great idea!

2. Almost invisible girl
Looks funny but also scary! Bet she can scare some people with her appearance!

"Almost Invisible Girl" must win! i vote for her :D

the other one goes to "Half Invisible Man"

i think "Sam E. Sam" is actually a pretty clever concept with a deep meaning but not apropriate for this theme :(

Hi everybody
Parka, I'm so happy you choose my entry.

There's a lot of other funny artworks here, my picks are:

1 - Sam E. Sam by Mark Gotz: I love the surreal humor of the piece.
2 - Half Invisible Man by Denis Cristo: good palette and hilarious acting of the main character.

I really like the Half Invisible man. The artwork itself tells a complete story and you don't need a description of what the hero's powers are. Plus it is hilarious!

I like "The Incredible Half-invisible man", from Denis Cristo and the superhero that can transform into itself, from Mark Gotz.

Whoa. Great entries, and great concepts !

I vote for the Almost Invisible Girl -who's probably really hot- and show some love to Ivica's submission : Super Monkey Floating Boy. (Check his website : his art is awesome !)

The voting contest is now closed.

The two entries with the most votes are The Incredible Half-Invisible Man by Denis Cristo (7 votes) and Almost Invisible Girl by Miguel Delicado (5 votes) - interestingly both about invisibility.

And the winning voter is Andy R.

Congrats to all. I'll be contacting the winners through email.

Thanks for participating.

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