Review: Natsko Seki London (Louis Vuitton Travel Book)

Beautiful style

Natsko Seki is a Japanese illustrator who moved to London to study graphic design. Over the years, she found her love for animation and illustration. Her work has appear in other books, most recently Architecture According to Pigeons.

For this book, she was invited by Louis Vuitton to portray London in her style. And just like the other Louis Vuitton travel books, this is an amazing work of art.

Natsko Seki's style of digital collage involves merging art and photographs. The result looks exciting and playful. In this book, faces of all the people are actually from photo, and the clothes they wear appear to be cut out from textured coloured paper. The locations are a blend of photos and pencil lined drawings. There's a very tactile feel to the places and scenes depicted.

Somehow, despite the use of so many elements for her detailed collages, everything seems to work in harmony. It could be the perspective that ties the elements together.

I'm astonished by the amount of work put in to etch out all the necessary elements, and then piecing them together like a jigsaw puzzle. It's quite a joy flipping through the pages.

The book's a 160-page hardcover, about A4 size. Page corners are rounded off and edges are trimmed with red. There's a rubber band that holds the cover together.

This book is not cheap. There's also a limited edition of 50 boxed, leather-bound copies are available at selected Louis Vuitton stores.

Great book. Highly recommended.

Natsko Seki London (Louis Vuitton Travel Book) is available at Amazon (CA | UK | DE | FR | IT | ES)

Natsko Seki London (Louis Vuitton Travel Book)

Natsko Seki London (Louis Vuitton Travel Book)

Natsko Seki London (Louis Vuitton Travel Book)

Natsko Seki London (Louis Vuitton Travel Book)

Natsko Seki London (Louis Vuitton Travel Book)

Natsko Seki London (Louis Vuitton Travel Book)

Natsko Seki London (Louis Vuitton Travel Book)

Natsko Seki London (Louis Vuitton Travel Book)

Natsko Seki London (Louis Vuitton Travel Book)

Natsko Seki London (Louis Vuitton Travel Book)

Natsko Seki London (Louis Vuitton Travel Book)

Natsko Seki London (Louis Vuitton Travel Book)

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