Review: Renesans Roll Brush & Imitation Squirrel 7401R

Big thanks to Renesans for providing these brushes for the review.

Renesans is an art supplies manufacturer from Poland that makes a huge variety of products. Most of their watercolour brushes are made with synthetic hair. The only natural hair brushes are made with squirrel, ox or hog.

This is the Roll Brush size 5 made with synthetic white hair.

The hair are tied together with wires just like a typical squirrel or mop brush.

This roll brush performs just like a normal round brush. The hair is quite long for this brush so it was able to hold a good amount of water. It's also able to release water quite consistently so painting a flat even wash is easy.

The brush has a sharp point that makes it easy to produce thin lines.

This is a synthetic brush so it's stiff. It's springy and able to return to its shape easily, but it's not the flexible type of springy compared to sable brushes.

The size 5 roll brush is too big for half pans.

The white hair will stain, which is to be expected with staining colours.

This is the Imitation Squirrel 7401R

The hair is softer compared to the roll brush, but still flexible and able to return to its shape quite easily unlike real squirrel hair which is more floppy.

This brush is able to hold a good amount of water, and can create flat washes easily.
Squirrel - much softer hair. Wide variation. Hold a good amount of water for a brush this size. Create flat washes easily. Flexible and can go back to its shape nicely. Brush shape does not deform as much compared to a real squirrel.

Video review


These are decent brushes. They perform quite well for the type of hair they are using. I'm not exactly sure where you can purchase them though. All I know is pricing for Renesans products is competitive so these brushes should be worth the money.

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