Some Flickr Photos from New York Comic Con 2009

Watchmen Babies
(Photo source from Flickr)

No I wasn't at the Comic Con but I enjoy looking at photos from these events. This one above has just got to be my favourite cosplay photo so far (even if it's a bit blurred).

Many cosplayers pride themselves by creating costumes so close to the original costumes that appear in comics. Not this group.

That's what makes them so different. Rorschach, Dr Manhattan and The Owl are just plain awesome. The I-don't-want-to-know-what's-behind-that-face face, the sloppy body paint and the soft costumes. No one can possibly top that.

Here are some more interesting stuff I've found on Flickr. All links go back to their respective Flickr page.

New York Comic Con 2009
Here we have the Watchmen Babies and a Curious Case of Wolverine.

New York Comic Con 2009

New York Comic Con 2009

New York Comic Con 2009

New York Comic Con 2009

New York Comic Con 2009

New York Comic Con 2009
Wolverine in an parallel universe.

New York Comic Con 2009
Mutant turtle and Captain America. Nice fur on the turtle.

New York Comic Con 2009
Hispanic Superman.

New York Comic Con 2009
Indy, Obi-Wan and a tortured Jedi.

New York Comic Con 2009
A very saturated (graphic designer speak) Joker.

You can check out even more photos of New York Comic Con 2009 on Flickr.

