Winner for Art Book Review Contest #31

This month's winner is ye51d who reviewed LMS: Killbook of a bounty hunter which is a great book but is unfortunately out of print and is now priced crazy high.

The prize is $40 worth of art books. Congrats!

There are only 2 reviews this month, for the books Osprey Man-At-Arms - A Celebration and The Art of Prototype 2.

You can also check out the full list of art books reviewed and past contests

About this contest

The goal is to feature more art books with the help of readers. For every book you review on the forum, you stand a chance to win a prize. To sign up as a forum member, let me know your desired user name using this contact form.

Check out details for the art book review contest.

To get some ideas on what you can review, you can check out these lists:

Next Contest

Deadline for contest #32 is 31 October 2012.

About hosting images

Google Plus is a great place to host your pictures also. It's free, and pictures smaller than 2048 by 2048 pixels don't count to storage.


How is it possible? I mean, I don't want to sound like I'm questioning you, the webmaster of this site, but ye51d's review is from may 2011.
How is a book review of more than a year old participating this month?
Did I miss some special rule? I'm sure Halcyon would like an explanation as much as I do, because this is truly unbelievable. Does that mean that if there were too few participants or you didn't like this month reviews you can go back in time and choose randomly a review that -already- participated? May I remind you? The rules doesn't say anything like "If I don't like this month's reviews I can go back in time and choose randomly another dude who already had his chance".
I'm sorry, but I'm really baffled. It's your site after all, and you can do whatever you feel like doing, but if it's going to be like this then I don't see the point. And I certainly feel like I'm wasting my time.
Have a good day.

In reply to by FrutiValandil (not verified)

All past reviews are eligible as entries into the future. It's in the contest details page.

So in theory, it's not whether a review will win something, it's more of when it will win.

I choose from all eligible reviews, not just from the current month. If you look into past contests, you'll find that winners usually aren't those who reviewed the books that month.


How come my review of Dressed wasn't included in this post? I'm ok with not winning, but it would be nice if review is at least acknowledged. It's a great book! The book is a mixture of fashion illustrations and movie stills. Costume design in film is art!

In reply to by djbakon (not verified)

Thanks for telling me. I do miss out some reviews accidentally.