Archifest 2012 Sketchwalk (13 Oct 2012)

Archifest 2012 Sketchwalk (13 Oct 2012)
Today's sketchwalk is in conjunction with Archifest 2012. There are two sessions and the next one's going to be at the same place, Fort Canning Pavilion, on 27 Oct 2012, 9.30am. The place is just beside River Valley Road, where the old swimming pool used to be.

Archifest 2012 Sketchwalk (13 Oct 2012)
The River Valley Swimming Pool was closed in 2003, and the place is all filled up now and turned into an arts area with some gallery and cafe. It's a rather open space.

Archifest 2012 Sketchwalk (13 Oct 2012)

Archifest 2012 Sketchwalk (13 Oct 2012)
This is the building that faces the book. Those square tiles on the left are the original tiles, preserved.
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This is the temporary structure put up by Archifest to hold their events.

Archifest 2012 Sketchwalk (13 Oct 2012)
Those are functional bamboo mats.

Archifest 2012 Sketchwalk (13 Oct 2012)

Archifest 2012 Sketchwalk (13 Oct 2012)

Archifest 2012 Sketchwalk (13 Oct 2012)

Archifest 2012 Sketchwalk (13 Oct 2012)

Archifest 2012 Sketchwalk (13 Oct 2012)

Archifest 2012 Sketchwalk (13 Oct 2012)

Archifest 2012 Sketchwalk (13 Oct 2012)

Archifest 2012 Sketchwalk (13 Oct 2012)

Archifest 2012 Sketchwalk (13 Oct 2012)

Archifest 2012 Sketchwalk (13 Oct 2012)

Archifest 2012 Sketchwalk (13 Oct 2012)
That's the film guy from Archifest who's filming the sketchwalk.

Archifest 2012 Sketchwalk (13 Oct 2012)

Archifest 2012 Sketchwalk (13 Oct 2012)

My sketch at Archifest 2012 Sketchwalk (13 Oct 2012)

My sketch at Archifest 2012 Sketchwalk (13 Oct 2012)


Hi Parka,
Singapore is a beautiful city! I've been there for my honeymoon last week and I saw some of your sketch from real :)
It was like I were already there!
Greetings from Italy!

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