The Perfect Sketchbook B5 (10x7 inches) with Fabriano Artistico paper

The Perfect Sketchbook B5 (10x7 inches) with Fabriano Artistico paper - 02
My friend Erwin Lian has just released the larger Perfect Sketchbook on crowdfunding website Indiegogo.

The Perfect Sketchbook B5 (10x7 inches) with Fabriano Artistico paper - 01
The original palm-sized Perfect Sketchbook was released in August 2014. From the feedback of his supporters, he has increased the size of the sketchbook. I've the original sketchbook as well and found it really small to draw in, and it can be frustrating at times.

The middle sketchbook in the photo above is the rejected A5 prototype.

This new Perfect Sketchbook is larger at 10 by 7 inches. Check out more information at

Erwin is putting this sketchbook on Indiegogo to source for funds in order to make the quantity required. If you want to get the sketchbook, that's the only place you can get it. The campaign will end on 30 Nov 2015 so act fast.

The Perfect Sketchbook B5 (10x7 inches) with Fabriano Artistico paper - 04

The Perfect Sketchbook B5 (10x7 inches) with Fabriano Artistico paper - 05

The Perfect Sketchbook B5 (10x7 inches) with Fabriano Artistico paper - 06
The other main difference is it now uses Fabriano Artistico paper, 200gsm coldpress. Fabriano Artistico is one of my favourite brands of watercolour paper. It's great for watercolour of course, but it's also a good surface to work on if you use fountain pens.

The Perfect Sketchbook B5 (10x7 inches) with Fabriano Artistico paper - 03

The Perfect Sketchbook B5 (10x7 inches) with Fabriano Artistico paper - 07
This is my pencil and watercolour sketch. The 100% cotton paper handles watercolour exceptionally well which is not surprising. The colour vibrancy is excellent. Note that the paper is off white with a slight cream warm hue.

The Perfect Sketchbook B5 (10x7 inches) with Fabriano Artistico paper - 08

The Perfect Sketchbook B5 (10x7 inches) with Fabriano Artistico paper - 09
The sketchbook features rounded hardcover corners. Top and bottom of the paper are straight cut and the sides are torn, deckled.

Here's the video of the making process. I did not know that making a sketchbook like this is such a manual process.

The actual price is USD $50. Early birds (limited to 900) will get a $10 discount which is quite significant. You can choose to get the sketchbook in bundles or get additional customisation such as adding your embossed name in gold print.

It's pricy no doubt. But if you were to get your own 100% cotton paper and bind the book yourself, it's going to take a bit of effort as you can see from the video above. If you bring your own paper to a bookbinding shop, it's going to cost around the same. I know because I had one custom sketchbook bound by the Society for the Physically Disabled.

If you like the larger Perfect Sketchbook, support the campaign at

They are running some contest as well where you share the campaign page, you stand to win a copy of the original palm-sized Perfect Sketchbook!

Here's my video review of the new Perfect Sketchbook.


I just don't have the words to say after watching that man making that book! I was mesmerized to say the least! I will never complain about the price of another sketch book again. He has such a gift that we should all stop and think about how to slow down and take the time to do things like they used to when they didn't have all of these machines to mass produce everything! And the quality was far superior then!

I would like to buy the perfect sketchbooks. How do I go about placing an order?

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