PR102 Comparison

Pigment PR102 is Natural Red Iron Oxide while PR101 is Synthetic Iron Oxide Red.

These are the four colours from Daniel Smith that are made with pigment PR102, aka natural red iron oxide. Interestingly, PR101 (synthetic red iron oxide red) can be made into eight different colours. These four colours together with the eight PR101 are red earth colours that mix well with blues to produce beautiful grays.

These are mixes with French Ultramarine. I've also included the common French Ultramarine and Burnt Sienna mix for comparison. These mixes looks quite similar. The mix that's slightly different is with Burnt Yellow Ochre which is slightly more reddish, and the resulting mix has a more violet hue to it. Other than that, it's difficult to differentiate these mixes.


Hi Teoh, I’m curious how these compare to the Mijello PR102, “Burnt Sienna No. 2”, or if there is a colour close to that listed in Not sure if you have this one.

In reply to by Nicola (not verified)

I don't have PR102 from Mijello.

It's very difficult to compare these earth colours because the visual differences are quite subtle. The same pigment can be heated at different temperature to create different colours, which is why there are so many different colours for one single pigment, PR101, PR102, PBr7.

And even though the name may be the same, the colour may be different. E.g. Winsor Newton Burnt Sienna is PR101 whereas other companies use PBr 7

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