Visiting APD Singapore, a book distributor

I had the chance to visit APD Singapore (website | facebook), a book distributor, the other day. They provide books to bookstores in South East Asia, and some of them are Kinokuniya, Basheer Graphic Books. They stock all sorts of books, not just the visual books of course.

Visit to APD Singapore book distributor
Their warehouse is located at Genting Lane. I didn't know that the publisher Thames and Hudson has an office here as well.

Visit to APD Singapore book distributor

Visit to APD Singapore book distributor

Visit to APD Singapore book distributor
New books that arrive go onto these shelves. Unfortunately my camera lens isn't that wide so the photos below are just mostly close ups.

Visit to APD Singapore book distributor

Visit to APD Singapore book distributor

Visit to APD Singapore book distributor
Publishers would send APD their catalogues of book releases for the year.

Visit to APD Singapore book distributor

Visit to APD Singapore book distributor

Visit to APD Singapore book distributor

Visit to APD Singapore book distributor

Visit to APD Singapore book distributor
Children books

Visit to APD Singapore book distributor

Visit to APD Singapore book distributor
Interior design

Visit to APD Singapore book distributor

Visit to APD Singapore book distributor
Graphic design books

Visit to APD Singapore book distributor
I'll be partnering with APD Singapore to feature more variety of books, and hopefully get more readers from the Asian region.


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